Jumat, 29 April 2016

Ebook free The Google AdSense Handbook

The Google AdSense Handbook

Chapter 1: Introduction ...............................................................4

So Just What is Google Adsense? .......................................5

What Can it do for Me? .....................................................8
What Kinds of Ads Will I Get on My Site?...........................12
How do I Get Started? ....................................................14
What are Users Saying about AdSense? ............................15
Am I Going to Make a Lot of Money Off of This? .................17
Chapter 2: Building Content-Rich Sites .......................................20
2.1 What are Content-Rich Sites and Why Have One?.................21

2.2 How Do I Build One?.........................................................25
2.3 What Kind of Content Should I Put Up? .............................27
2.4 Sample Google AdSense pages—real sites.........................36
Chapter 3: SEOSearch Engine Optimization ..............................39
3.1 Things to Consider .........................................................41
3.2 Likes and dislikes of Googlebots.......................................46

Chapter 4: About Specific Keyword Density Ranges .....................50
4.1 Do-it-Yourself SEO ............................................................55
Chapter 5: About Extreme Content Sites ......................................60
Chapter 6: Using Traffic Equalizer ..............................................63
6.1 Using Traffic Equalizer ....................................................64
6.2 Google's Guidelines ........................................................67
Chapter 7: Using Traffic Hurricane...............................................68

Chapter 8: MetaWebs ...............................................................72
Chapter 9: Additional Web Page Creation Software........................77

Download: Ebook free The Google AdSense Handbook

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