Sabtu, 30 April 2016

TOP collection of affiliate marketing ebook pdf free

Social Marketing Tribe
Social Marketing Tribe
Social media is an incredible source of leads, traffic, and potential customers. You and your business can’t ignore social media any longer, because there’s nowhere else that you can reach such a large, captive audience just waiting to connect with you. With our weekly training program you can learn to leverage social media to bring huge numbers of leads to your business. We’ve got modules on marketing and keyword research, twitter traffic, LinkedIn ad training, Facebook Marketing, and others! Don’t wait, sign up today and learn how you can benefit from this incredibly powerful tool!

Super Affiliate Tracking
Super Affiliate Tracking
Want to learn how to become a real successful affiliate marketer? This isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme and it takes real work. The super Affiliate Handbook is designed to teach you how to become a successful affiliate marketer using our step-by-step plan to business building. We’ll teach you how to build your website, how to assess a market, which products to avoid, how to negotiate your commissions, and much much more. The book is over 200 pages long, and is jam-packed with important information describing everything you need to know to make it as an affiliate marketing professional.

7 Days to Affiliate Success
7 Days to Affiliate Success
Find out how you, or ANYONE, can start your own successful affiliate marketing business within just a few days! Have you wanted to try affiliate marketing in the past, but just didn’t have the time, money, or know-how to get started? Krystian Kolaczyk’s “7 Days of Affiliate” marketing eBook will teach you what qualities a super affiliate needs to be successful, how to perform keyword research, where to find products to promote, how to join affiliate programs, and everything you need to become a successful affiliate marketer on the internet.

CB Engine
CB Engine
Do you want to make money online? Become a ClickBank affiliate and get acces to our enomrous library of ebooks, software, and other digital goods that you can promote for huge commissions. Most of our vendors pay between 50% and 75% of the purchase price! Our CBengine will help you find the best products to promote so to ensure that you start makign money right away. Sign up today!

Rosalind Gardner’s Academy
Rosalind Gardner’s Academy
Are you tired of work-from-home schemes that cost a lot up front and don’t work? It’s time to break into the affiliate marketing industry! Rosalind Gardner wrote what’s now known as the bible of affiliate marketing in 2003. Tens of thousands of people have learned how to make money as successful affiliates, and now you can too! Affiliate Blogger Pro will teach you everything you need to know to represent brand name companies and earn commissions for sales, leads, and traffic generation for their products. Our training program will have you earning real money in no time!

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Jumat, 29 April 2016

Free Ebook ClickBank Affiliate Master PDF

Free Ebook ClickBank Affiliate Master

Ebook ClickBank Affiliate Master 

Are you a ClickBank vendor with an interest in affiliate marketing? Well say no more because you have the potential to be making thousands more in earnings from affiliate links and promotion. Our video series will show you how to use the software to get the most from your sales, how to reach new affiliates, and create custom discount pages. These three tools together can help get your earnings through the roof. Invest in the ClickBank Affiliate Master program today and see your investment grow and grow.

What is the Clickbank?

One way to make money on the internet is to market the products of clickbank. You know what it is clickbank ?. Yes, clickbank is a portal / marketplace of digital products such as ebooks, software, tutorials, course and other digital products. Clickbank was founded in 1998 with offices in Broomfield, Colorado and Boise, Idaho. you can click to go directly to the site.
Until now the number of products sold in clickbank there are more than 38,000 products and over 100,000 marketers (Affiliate Marketer) is active, with a total worldwide sales transactions occurred about 25,000 more each day ... wow !.
It makes sense, because although many in the Internet marketplace, clickbank is most desirable because of the superior quality of its products. Clickbank is very selective in accepting a product that can be sold on its site. A product that is not weighted, then Clickbank will refuse to sell it.

There are two ways to make money on clickbank:
1. Creating products and sold on ClickBank. This method takes quite a long time to make product recall difficult enough English and not be able to escape from the selection clickbank.
2. Become an affiliate marketing on clickbank. This method is easier and faster to produce. You simply sign up to be a member in clickbank and market the products clickbank.

For those of you who do not know what Affiliate Marketer ?, that is, those that bridge the convergence between the (prospective) buyers and sellers, the duty of an Affiliate Marketer is directing / bring potential buyers to the place (in this case website) sellers by promoting the product seller. In case of sale and purchase transactions, the Affiliate Marketer will earn a commission from the seller / vendor according to the agreement that has been agreed from the beginning. While the work of an Affiliate Marketer is called Affiliate Marketing.

Clickbank so pavorit for people in the world to take part as an affiliate marketer who market the products clickbank, because the commission received by the affiliate marketer can be up to 75% of the price of successful products it sells (big commissions are determined by the vendor of a product). Very high is not it ?, let alone become a very lucrative affiliate marketing diclickbank no charge.

Well, in this ebook specifically discusses in clickbank affiliate marketing.

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Ebook free pdf : Google Analytics Integrations

Google Analytics Integrations

Get a complete view of your customers and make your marketing analysis more meaningful

       How well do you really know your customers? Find out with the help of expert author Daniel Waisberg and Google Analytics Integrations. This unique guide takes you well beyond the basics of using Google Analytics to track metrics, showing you how to transform this simple data collection tool into a powerful, central marketing analysis platform for your organization. You’ll learn how Google AdWords, AdSense, CRMs, and other data sources can be used together to deliver actionable insights about your customers and their behavior.
  • Explains proven techniques and best practices for collecting clean and accurate information from the start 
  • Shows you how to import your organization’s marketing and customer data into Google Analytics 
  • Illustrates the importance of taking a holistic view of your customers and how this knowledge can transform your business 
  • Provides step-by-step guidance on using the latest analytical tools and services to gain a complete understanding of your customers, their needs, and what motivates them to take action 
Google Analytics Integration is your in-depth guide to improving your data integration, behavioral analysis, and ultimately, your bottom line.Get a complete view of your customers and make your marketing analysis more meaningful

      This easy to read and understand book is THE essential guide to understanding & implementing Google Analytics. I do not consider myself a very technical person yet I have built a few ecommerce sites with Wordpress & platforms like Shopify & Bigcommerce. While you do get some basic analytics with these types of sites, nothing can compare with Google, particularly when it comes to integration with mobile apps, youtube, and customized user data. The problem that this guide solves is in making Google Analytics very easy to understand for anyone & the included screenshots help tremendously for visual learners. The info presented here is both comprehensive and succinct outlined in a way that the average person can easily grasp.

I was able to move through this book fairly quickly without getting bogged down with too much technical terminology. There are some suggested resources to add to the info including the Analytics Academy, Universal Analytics, The Interface Map, etc. which supplement the guide and are absolutely essential to getting started. I find that the information in this integrations book far surpasses the info I have found on the web, which has often has left me with more questions than answers on many occasions, and yes....a great deal of frustration! One simply cannot compare taking hours to find the right answer to a fundamental problem online to having a guide available to answer any question that might (most likely WILL) come up in using Analytics.

Subjects covered in this book include; Implementation & Best Practices, Customizing Your Code, Setting Up The Analytics Interface, Tagging Your Inbound Traffic, AdWords Integration, AdSense Integration, MobileApps Integrations, Webmaster Tools, YouTube Intergration, Custom & Custom Data Integrations, User Data Integration, Marketing Campaign Data Integration, A/b Testing Data Integration, Email Data Integration, and Offline Data Integration.

I personally have gotten the most out of the marketing campaign & email data integration chapters since I am not yet at the point of using Adsense & Adwords for my sites. I mention this because I had first assumed this book dealt primarily with those channels, and I was wrong. This guide is intended for all levels of users of Google Analytics and you can easily skip to the chapter that's most relevant for your usage. The author also makes himself available to answer questions should Google decide to change/upgrade info in addition to the tips provided here, and that's downright handy. Highly recommended!

Product Details

File Size: 20MB
Print Length: 180 pages

Download: Google Analytics Integrations

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Ebook free The Google AdSense Handbook

The Google AdSense Handbook

Chapter 1: Introduction ...............................................................4

So Just What is Google Adsense? .......................................5

What Can it do for Me? .....................................................8
What Kinds of Ads Will I Get on My Site?...........................12
How do I Get Started? ....................................................14
What are Users Saying about AdSense? ............................15
Am I Going to Make a Lot of Money Off of This? .................17
Chapter 2: Building Content-Rich Sites .......................................20
2.1 What are Content-Rich Sites and Why Have One?.................21

2.2 How Do I Build One?.........................................................25
2.3 What Kind of Content Should I Put Up? .............................27
2.4 Sample Google AdSense pages—real sites.........................36
Chapter 3: SEOSearch Engine Optimization ..............................39
3.1 Things to Consider .........................................................41
3.2 Likes and dislikes of Googlebots.......................................46

Chapter 4: About Specific Keyword Density Ranges .....................50
4.1 Do-it-Yourself SEO ............................................................55
Chapter 5: About Extreme Content Sites ......................................60
Chapter 6: Using Traffic Equalizer ..............................................63
6.1 Using Traffic Equalizer ....................................................64
6.2 Google's Guidelines ........................................................67
Chapter 7: Using Traffic Hurricane...............................................68

Chapter 8: MetaWebs ...............................................................72
Chapter 9: Additional Web Page Creation Software........................77

Download: Ebook free The Google AdSense Handbook

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Free Ebook Click Millionaires: Work Less, Live More with an Internet Business You Love

Ebook Click Millionaires: Work Less, Live More with an Internet Business You Love

The title of the book might be a little misleading. There are tons of books which lead you to believe that anyone can become rich by becoming an Internet entrepreneur. Click Millionaires is certainly about how to have the lifestyle you want based on an Internet business, the focus is more on defining and achieving the lifestyle you want than getting rich.

Said differently, this is not a get rich quick book. This book gives you a very good foundation for starting and growing an Internet business which will provide the lifestyle you want. Getting rich often involves much more work than most people are willing to do. So the first step is getting realistic about the lifestyle and the level of effort you are comfortable putting into your business.

The book contains some excellent advice about how to start and grow an Internet based business. Some of the advice applies to any business. I believe that too many people fail because they do not adhere to the lessons taught by Scott Fox, the author.

Far too many people think they need to come up with the next Google/Facebook or Netflex idea to be able to have a sustainable business. Mr. Fox advises that instead of focusing on inventing the next blockbuster product, "you should invest your start-up time in finding people you can help, needs you can fill, problems you can solve - and building an audience around serving that customer demand." I have seen too many people develop a wonderful solution to a non-existent problem, then struggle to find people willing to buy their solution. This is so critical to your success. Discover a problem that is out there and develop a solution. Don't start with the solution.

Another huge bit of advice is "Don't go broke trying to pursue ideas that are too big or too long-term." Instead of trying to make millions, make the first dollar as soon as you can. Validate the concept - that there is someone willing to pay for the solution you are offering.

The book takes a systematic approach to developing an Internet based business. Mr. Fox starts with getting clear about the lifestyle you want - he is a big advocate of work less, live more. His philosophy is you need to have a good balance between work and life. Don't strive for making so much money that you lose sight of the purpose for making money - to enjoy life.

He then guides you through the different business models which work well as Internet based businesses. Next he discusses affiliate marketing, network marketing - also known as Multi-Level Marketing and then the large number of contract/freelancing opportunities available.

There is a section on how to identify a niche which fits you, your skills and your lifestyle. Then a section on the nuts and bolts of building your business and making money.
As a service to the readers, there is a companion website which offers additional resources and an online discussion forum.

The book is well written, the examples are straightforward and easy to understand. In my opinion the book gives some very good, solid, down to earth information and advice on how to start and run an Internet based business. Time and time again, Mr. Fox stresses that huge amounts of capital are not required. What is required is lots of time, energy and dedication. There is no quick easy way to build a sustainable business. He gives some very sound advice on identifying niche markets which offer the best opportunities. He also identifies markets to stay away from.

There are plenty of interviews and real life examples of ordinary folks who have made very comfortable incomes from their Internet based businesses.

This is a book for people who are serious about owing an Internet based business which will provide the lifestyle they want. Mr. Fox does not promise a quick or easy way to riches. The book is all about pointing out the right way to go about developing a business which will give you the lifestyle you want.

Book Description

The rules have changed. The American Dream is no longer the “corner office.” It’s a successful business you can run from your home office, the beach, or wherever you desire. It’s work you love that still allows you the freedom and income to live the life you truly want.

Sound like a tall order? Well, thanks to the Internet, anyone can launch a business with little or no start-up capital or technical expertise. And in Click Millionaires, e-commerce expert Scott Fox teaches weary corporate warriors and aspiring entrepreneurs how to trade the 9–5 job they hate for an online business they love. The book explains how to combine outsourcing, software, and automated online marketing to build recurring revenues, all while working less and making fewer of the lifestyle compromises that corporate “success” requires. Readers will learn how to:

• Find a lucrative niche on the Internet that matches their interests and skills
• Choose an online businessmodel: fromblogs, noozles, and audience communities to digital delivery, online services, affiliate marketing—even physical products
• Position themselves as a experts
• Build their audience
• Design the lifestyle they want
• Balance passion and profits to realize their personal definition of success

Featuring stories of dozens of “regular folks” who have reinvented themselves as Click Millionaires, this inspiring and practical guide shows readers how to stop dreaming of a better life and start living it!

Product Details

File Size: 1749 KB
Print Length: 289 pages 

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E-book Free YouTube Black Book: How To Create a Channel, Build an Audience and Make Money on YouTube

E-book Free YouTube Black Book: How To Create a Channel, Build an Audience and Make Money on YouTube

E-book Free YouTube Black Book: How To Create a Channel, Build an Audience and Make Money on YouTube delivers what it says in the title.
I really like the conversational tone of this book. The author gives step by step instructions for building a YouTube audience and monetizing your channel in non-obvious ways.

I liked the step-by step playlist section, as well as the section describing the day he launched products.

This is a quick read without a lot of fluff. I finished it in 2 days during my commute, so maybe it would take you 3 hours max to finish it. For once, I couldn't wait to get on the subway so I could read my book!!!

This is a must for any current YouTube creator who isn't getting the results they want, and will be especially helpful if you have a "how to" type channel.

If I could ask for anything more, it would be hard numbers. $$$ The author is pretty vague about money made on products etc. His idea of a decent income may not be my idea of a decent income and vice versa. So instead of saying you made more than your salary, say you made $80,000 or give a range like mid 5 figures or high 5 figures. I also would like to know how he pays "the talent", but maybe I'm just being nosy.

I'm still giving the book 5 stars because I can. I really liked the book for its actionable tips. I've already scripted out two videos after a long hiatus from YouTube and this book re-inspired me. I literally had to dust the cobwebs off of my istabalizer. How sad is that?Are you ready to launch your own YouTube Channel, develop a devoted fan base and make money while you’re at it? Christopher Sharpe is the producer of multiple YouTube Channels that attract passionate audiences and add thousands of new subscribers per day.

Many say that learning via the case study method is one of the most effective ways you can learn a new subject. In that regard Sharpe's YouTube Black Book does not disappoint. The author is generous in sharing his personal experiences and results. You learn where he screwed up, how he does his planning, and get straight-shooter advice about investing your money and time.

He is also realistic. Anyone approaching YouTube thinking it's a quick way to riches quickly learns that any effort to build long term value takes time and careful nurturing (the same can be said about trying to make fast money on any other Internet platform). Readers should also be aware that Sharp had a lot of prior experience with video production, as well as SEO, two skills which helped him immensely.

Still, he did his homework, experimented, and took chances. Like when the yoga show he produces didn’t get traction. He was like George Costanza in Seinfeld: he did the opposite, and it worked. Instead of short videos optimized for attainable keywords, he produced a 40-minute video optimized for the most competitive keyword phrase.

In YouTube Black Book, Christopher shares how he launched these channels and shows you how to turn a passion for creating YouTube videos into a profitable business. YouTube Black Book offers you a glimpse behind the scenes. Christopher shares his journey with complete transparency so you can emulate his success and avoid his failures.

This book focuses on the big pictures strategy of what it really means to create a successful YouTube channel. From setting goals and developing your initial idea to strategies to get more views, YouTube Black Book covers all the bases.

Christopher Sharpe is the producer and director of the popular YouTube Channels Hilah Cooking and Yoga With Adriene. He is YouTube Certified in Audience Development and blogs about internet video at

Product Details

  • File Size: 471 KB
  • Print Length: 116 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
  • Publication Date: August 30, 2015
  • Language: English

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Selasa, 26 April 2016

The Lean Startup Book PDF [buku untuk anda yang akan memulai startup]

The Lean Startup Book PDF

Lean Startup bukanlah metode yang menjadikan sistem Anda lebih hemat biaya, melainkan lebih efisien sekaligus (tetap) bermanfaat.

Setiap tahunnya, startup-startup baru bermunculan. Produk yang bagus, promosi besar-besaran disertai berbagai ulasan di media massa, serta janji-janji manis bahwa konsumen akan mendapatkan manfaat besar jika menjadi penggunanya. Namun, tak lama berselang, beberapa di antara startup yang digadang-gadang itu tak lagi terdengar kabarnya.

Seperti yang selalu kita dengar, seorang entrepreneur pasti sukses selama memiliki tekad kuat, panjang akal, waktu yang tepat, dan-terutama-produk yang hebat. Kenyataannya, awal yang menjanjikan tak jarang berujung pada kegagalan. Sebagian besar produk baru tidak s
ukses di pasaran, bahkan pahitnya, tak digunakan oleh siapa pun. Pertanyaan besar pun muncul, strategi manakah yang tidak tepat?

Lewat riset ilmiah serta pengalamannya dalam mendirikan dan membesarkan berbagai startup selama bertahun-tahun, Eric Ries mencetuskan metode baru, Lean Startup. Sebuah sistem luar biasa yang membuat para enterpreneur segera mendapatkan jawaban atas pertanyaan: bagaimana kita bisa lebih cepat mengetahui apa saja yang berfungsi dan mana yang harus segera disingkirkan?


The Lean Startup merupakan panduan rinci yang berfungsi untuk menghindarkan sebuah sistem dari hambatan-hambatan yang mampu memicu kegagalan."
-Noam Wasserman, profesor Harvard Business School

"Eric memaparkan proses terukur dalam menciptakan produk dan bisnis baru yang tidak bergantung pada keberuntungan. Perusahaan saya sudah membuktikannya!"
-Scott Cook, founder dan Ketua Komite Eksekutif Intuit

[Mizan, Bentang Pustaka, Bisnis, Ekonomi, Terjemahan, IT, Startup, Internet, Indonesia]

Tentang pengarang

ERIC RIES adalah wirausahawan dan penulis blog populer Startup Lessons Learned. Dia ikut mendirikan IMVU—startup-nya yang ketiga—dan mengabdi sebagai CTO di perusahaan tersebut. Dia sering menjadi pembicara dalam acara-acara bisnis; pernah berperan sebagai penasihat strategi bisnis dan produk untuk sejumlah startup, perusahaan besar, serta firma venture capital; juga merupakan dosen tamu di Harvard Business School. Metodologi Lean Startup yang dia gagas telah ditulis di New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Harvard Business Review, Huffington Post, dan banyak blog. Dia tinggal di San Francisco.

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